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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to Get The Sweaty Smell Out of Your Work Out Clothes

Today's work out clothes are made of wonderful fabrics that keep you comfortable and "wick" the sweat away from your skin. The only problem with the fabric, though, is that it tends to hold that sweaty smell after a while. You don't need to toss your favorite running shirt as soon as you notice a lingering smell...just use these steps to freshen it up!

What You'll Need:

-Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (regular baking soda works well, too!)
-Tea Tree Oil
-A bucket or sink large enough to soak your clothing

Just put your work out clothes into a bucket or sink large enough to hold them, then sprinkle about 1 cup of washing soda on top. Add 15 - 20 drops of Tea Tree Oil, and add hot tap water (the hotter, the better) until the clothing is covered in water. Since you're using hot water, you may want to soak whites and colored fabrics separately.

The soda and Tea Tree Oil both work to remove the odor, and since the Tea Tree Oil has natural anti-fungal properties, it helps prevent any potential fungus-related issues, since fungi tend to love sweaty places (think: Jock Itch and athlete's foot - ugh!).

Leave the clothes soaking until the water cools, then wring the extra water from the clothing and wash and dry as you normally would. Afterwards, everything should smell much fresher! I do this for my work out clothing about once a month, and it really has made them last much longer.

If this doesn't do the trick, make a thick paste of washing soda and a little water, and apply it directly to your shirts' armpits, then wash.

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