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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Make Your Own Doodle Frame

In the never-ending search for new Grandparent gifts, I came across a Doodlebook Photo Frame and thought it was a cute idea. If you want to make your own as a gift (or for yourself), you can by following these easy steps!

What You'll Need:

-Frame (any size you'd like - I used one for a 4"x6" photo)
-Plain white paper
-Utility knife
-2 Paper clips or binder clips

I picked up a couple of cheap, ugly frames at a thrift store for $1 each. They have blue denim on the front, but it really doesn't matter how ugly they are, because they'll soon be covered. I liked these because they have a flat front, so they provide a nice surface for the pad of paper.

To start, use one piece of paper to make a pattern of the front of the frame. Use this pattern to cut the cardboard to fit the front border of the frame.

Next, cut the paper to the size of the frame and line it up neatly so that the top edges are straight.

Now, lay it down flat on a surface that won't be damaged by the utility knife. Using the cardboard as a guide, gently cut away the inside opening through the stack of paper. It's best to take your time during the step and apply a gentle, even pressure with the knife. If you rush or press too hard, the paper is more likely to tear or have rough edges.

Next, line the top edge of the stack of paper, and clip them all tightly together with your clips. Use a thin, even layer of glue along the top edge to create a pad of paper in the shape of the front of the frame. Lean the pad against something so that it remains upright, and let it dry.

Once the glue is dry, glue the cardboard to the front of the frame. Most any glue would probably work, but I like Quick Grip glue.

Finally, glue the paper to the cardboard by gluing the back page to the cardboard. You can decorate the front page however you'd like.

My daughter added her own, special decorations, and we placed a copy of her annual photo with Santa inside the frame before we wrapped them for her grandparents. Now, whenever she visits, she can redecorate the frame simply by removing the top sheet and coloring the next clean sheet.

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